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Blog — Homeschool

The Secret to Your Child's Success: The Benefits of Music Education

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

 Welcome to Yellow House Book Rental! We are primarily a homeschool curriculum, rental service. However, we offer a variety of services. You can compare each one, at Yellow House Book Rental, and decide which is best for your family. **This post may contain affiliate links and we will be compensated, at no extra charge to you, if you make a purchase after clicking on these By Kathryn Brunner, Founder of Musik at Home, LLC  Out of all the lullabies I sang to my daughter when she was a baby, there was one she absolutely loved the most. It was a...

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HELP! How Do I Homeschool with Confidence?

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Homeschooling can be very challenging, even frightening, to a parent new to educating their children at home. Even veteran homeschool parents come across new challenges. We all need some guidance every now and then.

I am very passionate about homeschooling and love sharing what I have learned during my 22 plus years of teaching my four children at home. How may I help you today?

Because of my years of experience and owning Yellow House Book Rental, I am often approached for homeschooling advice and I love it! I have learned a great deal through trial and error over the years.

I would love to talk with you, encourage you, and help you in any way that I can. Learn more

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Fun and Stress Free Homeschooling Through the Holidays

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Thanksgiving, Christmas, the holiday season... Why does homeschooling during this time equal stress for many of us? Why can't homeschooling be fun and stress-free during the holiday season? It took me years, but I did figure out how....continue reading and enter for a chance win to a huge homeschool package worth $1,400!

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How to Write Lab Report

Posted by Michelle Osborn on







There are several ways to write a lab report, and depending on your class or your instructor, the requirements will vary. But this guide, created by Sherri Seligson, author of Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Marine Biology and has been developed to help you understand the reason why knowing how to write a lab report is an important part of the science process. It will also introduce the basic structure of one type of write-up.

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Our Eclectic Homeschool

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

What is your homeschool style? Maybe you are new to homeschooling and still trying to figure it all out. You have not idea what approach you should take to homeschooling.  Maybe you are a veteran homeschooler and tried a variety of ways until you landed on something that worked for your family. There as many styles out there as there are families.....Continue reading

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