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Southern Utah Homeschool Convention 2022 Speakers

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Southern Utah Homeschool Convention 2022

April 29th and 30th, St Geroge, Utah 

Davis and Rachael Carman, Keynote Speakers

Davis Carman got started on his homeschool adventure with a providential two-by-four on the side of his head. Twenty-five years and seven graduates later, he hopes to share some of the lessons he’s learned along the way to help other families enjoy the most successful, satisfying, and Christ-centered home school possible. His mission is to help homeschooling families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith. This is accomplished in part through his work as president of Apologia Educational Ministries, the #1 publisher of creation-based science, math, Bible and worldview curriculum, and online instruction for homeschooling families. He blogs at Apologia and is the co-host (along with his wife Rachael) of the podcast called Let’s Talk Homeschool. He believes that if there was ever a time to homeschool, it is now!

I Believe in Homeschooling (Keynote) Most parents place a high value on the education they can give to their children. It prepares them for life and gives them hope for a happy future. In the old days, the three R’s of schooling included reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithematic. Is homeschooling succeeding because it is reclaiming the tried and true educational philosophy or is something else going on? In this workshop, Davis presents a compelling case for you to believe in the power of homeschooling and seven new R’s to back it up.

Davis's Workshops- Raising God-Confident Children, HEART Exam for Homeschool Dads (and Moms), Don't Ring the Bell

Rachael Carman and her husband Davis own Apologia Educational Ministries, a top-rated publisher of award-winning creation-based curriculum for home educators. As a mom to seven and ‘Coco’ to three, she’s a 25-year homeschool veteran, and still energetic about affirming, encouraging, and equipping the next generation of homeschooling families to answer the call. She is passionate about studying the Word of God and challenging and inspiring others to strengthen their faith by deepening their walk with the Lord. Her latest work is a two-volume (OT and NT) Bible study titled The Word in Motion. It is based on material from Walk Thru the Bible Ministries and uses multiple formats (text, audio, video) to incorporate all learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic). Connect with her online at, Real Refreshment – The Community, and the Let’s Talk Homeschool podcast.

In This Moment (Keynote) The world seems to be going crazy. It would be easy to worry, lose hope, or let the distractions of life numb your heart. So what’s a mom to do in this moment? And don’t miss it — God is doing something big “in this moment!” He put you into His story to do good works, which He prepared in advance for you to do. And homeschooling just might be a big part of His call for you, your kids, and your family — in this moment! With His help, you can do this. And it is good for your kids. So make the most of this incredible opportunity to walk by faith.

Rachael's workshops
- Attention Obsessive Compulsive Perfectionist Control Freaks...CHILL OUT, Mary, Martha, You, and Me, Want Some Real Refreshment? Come and Get It


Dr. Carol Brown has experience as a home educator, classical school administrator and teacher, cognitive-developmental therapist, social worker, reading and learning specialist, HSLDA special needs consultant, and mother.  Carol has completed her Doctor of Education (Ed.D) and is a contributing author in the books, Neuroscience and Christian Formation,  Human Development: Equipping Minds with Cognitive Development, Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Curriculum, and School Violence and Primary Prevention (2021 in press). Carol and Kyle have been married for 32 years and are the parents of three adult children.

Dr, Carol Brown's workshops  Pre conference workshop- Understanding the Learning Process for Parents  Convetnion workshops- Equipping Minds Through Games with a Brain Fitness Program for K-12 and Equipping Minds to Reach Their Full Potential Through Increasing Working Memory

Jean Burk is the author of the award-winning College Prep Genius program and has had numerous articles published about the SAT and PSAT tests, high school prep, college prep, and how to get free college. She is a Fox News contributor and has been featured as an SAT expert on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, TXA21, CW33, WE, Forbes, Choice Media TV, UShop TV, the Jeff Crilley Show and The Homeschool Channel. She homeschooled both her children and they each earned free college and incredible scholarships because of their PSAT and SAT scores. Some of the benefits included full tuition, room and board, unlimited laundry and lunchroom passes, study abroad stipends, etc. Her son also earned free law school and her daughter earned free grad school.

Jean's workshops- Pre-Confernce workshop- Ace the SAT/ACT Mini Course for teens, Convention workshops-The Huge Gap that College Bound Student's Fal lnto (three parts- not necessary to be at all three) Part 1- Preparing: You Can Create a Successful Plan, Part 2 - Packaging: The Nuts and Bolts of Going to College, Part 3 - Paying: Free College Money for All


Rachel DeMille is a musician, a foodie, a beach blonde, a poet, a polyglot and a birth coach. As she lives joyfully and strives to develop and share her gifts with those they were intended for, she is constantly humbled and amazed at the goodness of those who share in return. Wife to Oliver, mother of 8 and counting (with grandkid count at 9+ more in the making as of this writing), co-creator of TJEd, Rachel is on a mission to heal families and inspire others to detect, refine and unleash their genius. Currently building a mini-farm and a multi-generational family school for her tribe’s cohort of life-long learners.

Rachel's Workshops-The 5 Habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers, Homeschooling the Exceptional Child - Gifted, Disabled, Dyslexic, etc., TJEd Young Adult Q&A Panel

Russ Barlow & his wife of 34 years, Heidi founded TruthSeekers Academy to provide biblical-based support courses for homeschoolers, based on the Universal Model science project. The Universal Model is a massive, 25-year project, of which Russ is the chief editor. Russ & Heidi have homeschooled their 15 children, including 1 deaf child and 2 autistic daughters, for 25 years. Heidi’s deep-dive into brain injury (autism is essentially a brain injury) treatment has provided a wealth of opportunities to learn how to teach special needs children. Both have served as president of the local chapter of the Alexander Graham Bell foundation. Russ also guides tours into nature to show the science behind the Universal (Noah’s) Flood and the truth about God’s Creation. They recently celebrated the arrival of their 8th grandchild, and are still teaching, with two teenagers and two younger still to go!

Russ's Workshops- Biblical World Geography and God’s Greatest Creation – Learning the Human Body


Thomas J. Schmidt, Esq.- Tj was homeschooled starting in the 2nd grade through high school graduation. For much of that time, his family served as missionaries in Haiti. He earned his juris doctor from Oak Brook College of Law while serving as a legal assistant at HSLDA. Now, as an HSLDA staff attorney, Tj assists members across the country with legal questions and challenges to their homeschool freedom. Tj and his wife, Susan, homeschool their seven children: Josiah, Suzanna, Ella, Makenna, Jonah, Annika, and Ezra.

Tj's workshopsHomeschooling? How to Get Started and Stand Firm and Can Homeschooling Really Prepare Your Child for Life/Career?

Kim Simmerman is the mama to 8 cool people, a self reliance addict with red headed passion. She has been a sourdough nut for 15+ years and is a podcast fanatic. She is a recovered freaked-out-homeschool mom and delights in helping other homeschool moms find their own jive and rhythm.  Kim has homeschooled her children for 25 years (and has 10 years to go). She and her husband Craig live in Cedar City, UT,

Kim's workshop- The Homeschool Recipe for YOUR Peace & THEIR Progress & EVERYONE’s Passion (Freak out no more!)



Workshop descriptions can be found HERE

Click here to see all the Exhibitors


Be sure to check back often for updates!

*Disclaimer: Southern Utah Homeschool Convention and Yellow House Book Rental makes no claims about the speakers' faith, ability, materials, etc. This speaker profile information is being provided free of charge.  Please click the links and do your own research. Postings are subject to change.