Exploring World History Curriculum Package
Exploring World History curriculum is for students to use successfully anytime in high school--9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, or 12th grade. It combines the flexibility and richness of a literature-based unit study approach with the simplicity of a textbook-based approach.
Exploring World History allows your student to understand history from the perspective of faith in God and respect for His Word; learn about events, issues, and people from around the world and across the centuries; read the words of people who made history through original documents and speeches, short stories, hymns, and poetry; and earn a full year of credit in three high school subjects: World History, English, and Bible.
This curriculum by Ray Notgrass, Exploring World History Curriculum Package, has 150 lessons integrating world history, world literature, and Bible. The curriculum packages features three perfect-bound books plus a short guide for parents and teachers. 2014 edition High School
Package includes: Exploring World History part 1, Exploring World History part 2, In Their Words,