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Blog — Homeschool

Homeschool writing—overcome the obstacles and accomplish your shoulds.

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

We've heard all the obstacles. And we know they are real! 

  • I'm a math and science person. Writing doesn't come easily to me. So we skip it.
  • My kids hate writing. It's like pulling teeth! I avoid the battle altogether.
  • I have no idea how to grade my children's writing. So I don't.
  • We do a little creative writing and report writing here and there. I know it's not enough, but I don't really know how to teach writing in a comprehensive way.
  • I have great plans, but they never seem to come to fruition. I'm not good at spontaneously adding writing to our other lessons like history and science.

We've heard all of your guilt-filled shoulds:

  • I know I should teach more writing. My kids are now in middle school, and they still can't write a decent essay!
  • We should spend more time on writing. I just don't know where to start. I get overwhelmed.

Now, here's the solution: continue reading

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Mom, you've got a 100% success rate!

Posted by Michelle Osborn on


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How to Help Dads Be Involved in Homeschooling

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Would you like to have your husband be more involved in the homeschooling process? There are some very good ideas in this article from Leah Courtney at Bright Ideas Press 

How To Help Dads Be Involved In Homeschooling

In many of the homeschooling families I know, the mother does the work of homeschooling, and the dads are not involved or have minimal involvement. Although many homeschooling moms say they’d like to have their husbands more involved, it doesn’t seem to happen much of the time. Why is this? Is there a reason dads sometimes relinquish responsibility when it comes to homeschooling? And is there a way that we moms can help our husbands be more involved in our homeschooling? Read more here

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Start Fresh. Start New

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Remember, Mama . . .
Count the days. Right? You have Monday through the weekend with your kids, and then your week is over. Finito. Done. This particular week will be forever gone. Any opportunities we choose not to seize, any moments we decide not to give that hug and .... May the next seven days be beautiful for you, Mama. Daughter of the king, ....continue reading.

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Actvities to Keep Kids Quiet During Read Alouds

Posted by Michelle Osborn on

Are your kids bouncing off the walls while you’re trying to read aloud? They’re squirming, giggling, and kicking while you struggle to be heard over the commotion. Instead of getting frustrated, try one of these 7 quiet activities!



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